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TWIG in D8 Sprinting Pirate style

Frontend & Themers we need you!
the Twig in core is moving forward, but now the devs need our help in how to shape the actual templates.
A lot of the hardcore work have been done in the backend but now we need the Frontend & themers to step up and help out, no more excuses ladies & gentlemen. Its all on deck & rock out!

During badcamp we will try to help new Themers to get into twig & what it can do (why its awesome)
We will try to solve as many problems (issues) that we as themers are looking at - in the twig files. All that our awesome developers dont get why we got so irritated about, so we really need you voices + awareness.

November 1 + 2 get into twig
While theres training and summits, we will look into the markup structures, template files etc and find some common ground.
We will try and get new people in, so if you a Frontend / themer that wanna smell the Twig & get some easy to fix issues to work with come join - this is now we need you not in 3 months when its all over.

Right now we dont have a room so we will take over the lobby & get some twigging done, dont worry you dont need any experience to participate, we wanna get new people in - so swing bye & look into what were doing for the frontend

November 3: Twig session + sprint
Jen have a dedicated session in the morning were planning to do a meetup after & get people in on the battle plan

November 4: more sprinting !
Again we need frontend / themers to help out. so be ready to crank some markup }

This is all run in trüe pirate style - we dont need permission we dont need an initiative - But we need some kickass markup into Drupal8 core - So you better strap on you markup skills & come and help out !

