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Checking in with Mapping in Drupal 7


Working with geospatial information can be a difficult task with any web site, but it also provides important context to the stories and content that you are sharing on your site/application.

In "Checking in with Mapping in Drupal 7," we'll go over best practices in creating useful maps and how to take advantage of geospatial information with your Drupal site. In addition to standard Drupal modules, we'll take a look at technologies that integrate well with Drupal that can help tell compelling stories with maps.

By the time our time is up, you should know how to accomplish the following tasks in Drupal

  • Store points, lines and polygons as fields with the Geofield module
  • Generate location data from plain text with the Geocoder module
  • Create basic (and not so basic) map displays with both the Leaflet and Openlayers modules
  • Strategies to deal with performance bottlenecks that often occur with larger mapping projects
  • What GeoJSON is and how to generate it easily with the Views GeoJSON module
  • How to get involved with others in the Drupal Geospatial community
  • Who John Snow and Henry Whitehead are, and why they're important to the concept of mapping data in general (Historical context FTW!)

Slides and notes can be found at http://brandonmorrison.com/presentation/geospatial-drupal.

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