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Do More with LESS


SLIDES: http://www.slideshare.net/saneangel50/do-more-with-less-15018220

LESS allows you to write CSS in a smarter more organized manner. It allows the ability to use combinations of functions, mixins, operations and more. This results in the ability to write more concise style information and can reuse things like colors and styles more easily.

What does that mean for my Drupal theming?
create re-usable css structures that speed up your time writing css.
create variables, so that if you change a color, you change the variable once, and don't need to 'find and replace' for several minutes.
create re-usable css that you can insert values into… i.e. never write several decelerations for rounded corners again.

Talk will cover:
Overview of LESS
What, When, Where, and How to use LESS
Syntax and Tips
Functions, Mixins, Operations
Drupal specific examples and situations
Complex examples
Q and A

Schedule info